Thursday, June 7, 2007

Belgium, the movie

We bought the DVD: Belgium, the movie. This is the second souvenir we have bought for our trip to the U.S. It is filmed out of a helicopter with a special camera, the same camera they use to film cycling competitions in Europe. The film is in full High Definition, I posted a trailer above. For the real deal you'll have to come visit our home in Maricopa.


ambelgirl said...

I would like a copy of the DVD when you get here! See you in a few weeks!

RamsesVI said...

A copy??? I am not allowed to that, that is illegal :-) LOL

ambelgirl said...

Better not give me a copy then! I guess my only option would be to come and visit you in the new house to watch it but you will have to forgive me if I drool over your backyard. I am bringing the kids!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm bringing the kids too. Better have plenty of hot dogs and pabst blue ribbon ready for me.

(uncle steve)