Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Our daily schedule

David wakes up at 5h30 and does some surfing, checking Belgian websites for news and stuff. Lisa and Naomi wake up at 6h15. We eat breakfast and prepare ourselves for school.
At 7h05 we leave our home and drive about 3 miles and drop off Naomi at the daycare. We drive to school and go to the copy center if necessary. Only 2 copy machines for 1100 students and 60+ teachers ...
We prepare our class and at 8h15 school starts. Lisa has 2nd period off, David has 6th period off. But that is going to change since they e-mailed me I will be teaching that 6th period... no breaks for me except for lunch which is about 38 minutes... But I will get paid for that 6th period... waaw cool, I really need that money ...
School ends at 15h23, Lisa stays until 18h00. David has always some students for detention from 15h25-16h00, sometimes a meeting afterwards. I will be picking up Naomi at the daycare and drive home to take a swim in the pool. We pick up Lisa and go home to make dinner or we 'take-away' some food.
We relax and surf on the internet, work on tomorrow's courses/classes and go to sleep at around 21h00.

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