Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wells Fargo Maricopa is now officially the WORST bank on the planet (UPDATED)

So I paid a visit to my friends at the bank this afternoon, as always using the drive-through. I wanted to add a check of $4000 to our account, the cashier was very friendly as they always are at Wells Fargo. What are the chances of being smart and friendly at the same time?
I recieved my receipt, my 2 ID's and got out of the drive through. When I checked my receipt ... they added $400 to my account. This is a madhouse, when there will be a run on the US banks, people will be RUNNING AWAY from this bank instead of running TO the bank... Oh my, they are now officially the worst bank on the planet.
Some other (not so) funny bank stories...

UPDATE: They put that $4k in the WRONG ACCOUNT AGAIN, SAME EMPLOYEE as my last DEBACLE. So I talked to the manager of the bank, I told him that person was incompetent and that it reflects on the bank. 2 checks 3 mistakes, the only reason I can't close my account over there is because we have a credit card there and getting a credit card with no US credit history is not an easy process.

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