Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bush talks about the "invisible" terrorists again

"The terrorists who murder the innocent in the streets of Baghdad want to murder the innocent in the streets of American cities," he said.

What the f*ck is he talking about?
Does anyone outside of the USA really believe:
-that Muslims who had a few weeks of "fly"lessons with a playmobil airplane can fly a 767 straight into the WTC ... TWICE
Look at the movies, picture perfect, no amateur can fly such a plane precisely into the WTC. NO one, this is professional grade.
-that an airplane can fly into the Pentagon, without leaving a trace of the Titanium engines?
-that an airplane can fly into the Pentagon, without being shot down by an Thomcat / F15?
-that the "terrorists" benefited from this attack as much as the Bush and the "Saudi Arabia" family did?
-that Bush supports a strong dollar policy
-that a bailout of big banks will save the economy or postpone the inevitable

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