Monday, November 17, 2008

As expected

the corporate owned US government is going to bailout EVERY company in the US. The USA can now officially be called "bailout nation" where it doesn't matter what you do, the government will never let you fail. There is no capitalism left in the US, communism rules EVEN with a Republican President.
In an economy based on capitalism, the bad companies go bankrupt, the good ones take over the assets from the bad companies and thrive. There were numerous banks that didn't get caught into the MBS web. They should be rewarded and should gain market share. However the US government interferes with the free market and we saw earlier that the public and the stockmarket don't like that one little bit.

Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, AIG, Fannie May, Freddie Mac, all other banks, GM, Ford, Chrysler, ALL airlines, ...

This will not have a happy ending.

Propping up bankrupt companies will result in hyperinflation and we all know who the Germans chose to solve the problems after the Weimar Republic collapsed... HITLER!

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