Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Thank you Mr. President

I will save my political rhetoric for when I am firm on U.S. soil ... , but I need to say this:
My family would like to thank Mr. Bush and the FED(ederal Reserve):
* for printing more and more U.S. dollars to finance the spendthrift of U.S. citizens
* for keeping interest rates 3 years below 2.0%
* for throwing away U.S. dollars in wars in the Middle East
* for helping to get the U.S. trade deficit to new records

These things will allow us to convert our euros to dollars at historically great currency exchange rates.
Thank you!


Tiuskea Rakki said...

Yeah, and aren't you going to just love holding those same dollars you're buying...

RamsesVI said...

Good point. But there are enough funds that invest overseas. (foreign bonds, foreign high yield bonds, foreign stocks, foreign cash markets, gold, silver, ...)