Sunday, July 29, 2007

Some misc. facts / Varia (UPDATE)

--> I will be visiting the Phoenix Table tennis club this week. First I'll wait until my health plan kicks in :-) I will take some pictures when I get there.
--> Someone comes and cleans the pool once every week.
--> Someone comes to clean up our front and backyard once a month.
--> It is Monsoon season in Arizona, that's why there are always thunderstorms on the Maricopa weatherforecast.
--> We couldn't watch the Tour de France on our computer/internet (damn you, pity.
--> There is NO dental plan included in the health plan. Dental plan is about $350 per person per year.
--> In Maricopa there is a pizza place called "Fat Daddy's Pizza"... link
--> We have 11 paid days of leave at our school. Reading between the lines they expect us to use them every year, but they can be transferred to the next year(s) indefinately.
--> The calender of our school is online, see link (includes 5 paid leave days)
--> Cheese and all decent products :-) (French) are VERY expensive here. Camembert costs $40 per kilo. Oh my. "French" bread is $3.59...
--> I was able to upload a movie to the blog so this opens up new possibilities for the blog and the way I communicate to you all.
--> All prices in US stores have NET prices, TAV or sales TAX(BTW) is NOT included. However when you buy on the internet, you DON'T have to pay sales taxes (BTW). On a 14 dollar toothbrush, it makes not much of a difference BUT on a $1700 LCD 1080P TV it DOES. sales tax is +/- 8%.

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