Saturday, July 28, 2007

Some misc. facts / Varia

--> During the day we keep the temperature of the 1st floor at 24 degrees Celsius and the second floor at 26 degrees Celsius
--> The temperature of our pool is 34 degrees Celsius
--> We pay $7 to pick up our garbage per month. They come and get it twice a week. We do not need to recycle, everything goes into the garbage can...
--> A gallon of gas (benzine) costs about $2.69, which is about 0.50 euro per liter...
--> Everyone living in a community like ours has to live by the rules of the Home owners association (HOA) which means you can't do what you want. Cars are not allowed on the street, the front yard has to be well maintained, ...
--> Because the water in Phoenix is hard (a lot of Calcium in it), most people need to install a special system that takes the calcium out of the water.
--> We went to a school meeting this wednesday where we had to fill out a zillion papers. Second day of school meetings is Tuesday the 31st of July. First children arrive at our school on the 13th of August. We will recieve our first paycheck on August 10th.
--> At this time Lisa doesn't have a health insurance plan because they wouldn't let her have one, reason: she, as a US citizen didn't live in the United States the last 12 months...
--> The health plan of the school for the three of us, starts Wednesday the 1st of August.
--> We don't need to pay for the health plan but the mothly bill for Naomi's health plan is $350. ($4200 a year) The health system works very differently then in Belgium of course but let's say this health plan resembles the Belgian system. For example a doctor visit would cost us $15, keeping us a day in the hospital would cost us $100, the emergency room would cost $65,...
--> Our application for a Credit Card was denied. LOL. No comments on that one for now...
--> The Americans don't use 'wire transfer', they only use Presidents (hard cash), checks and credit cards. Because they didn't want to cash our checks and we couldn't get a credit card, we're stuck with cash...

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