Friday, October 19, 2007

Supersize me

If you want to have any idea about the eating habbits of the average American, I urge you to view the movie Supersize me. This is a link to the documentary/movie. It is unbelievable at first sight, it seems out of this world but we have been here for almost 3 months and we can only confirm what is in the movie. Story: 1 person tries a diet of only Mac Donalds for 30 days. During the movie they add a lot of extra health information and they add interviews. Hilarious!


Anonymous said...

and how is your eating habbit there? Is your wife a good cook or you eat out a lot ? ra ra

RamsesVI said...

My wife is an excellent cook, but she lacks the time :-) I have added a post regarding our eating habbits, I think this will answer all your questions and gives you an idea of where and what we eat.