Sunday, February 24, 2008


We received the plot plan which shows the position of the house on the lot. It is exactly what we asked for. We are extremely happy about that!

Yesterday we camped on our lot and it is really incredible. I think the lake will amaze us time after time. There is no way you can get used to that. This is definitely what we ever dreamed of.

Mortgage interest rates shot up the last 2 weeks from 5.5 to 6.0. We can "lock" interest rates only 90 before we close. This is bad new for us and for the housingmarket in general.

Only 5 homes were really sold until now. The Thurmond that is being build next to ours, was cancelled by the "buyers". There is no way they are going to sell the community at these prices. Meritage has to lower prices. We don't have to pay anything (except 7500 earnest money) until we close. We also have a price pledge from the builder in the contract, they will lower our price when they drop prices of the community.
That was not possible 2 years ago when people bought houses "sight unseen".(those people are now collecting foodstamps)

Tomorrow we'll have our appointment with the design center Studi M. We'll have to decide on countertops, flooring, cabinets, and so on... 10% of the options has to be paid in advance.

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