Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Chinese stockmarket

That is a 35% drop in 10 weeks for the Chinese stockmarket:

For US stocks: With the FED on the side of the market, the time to sell stocks is over.


The low for the next few weeks, months was set this morning when the DOW gapped down 400+

The dollar ... that is another story. The FED is REALLY going to f* up the US currency.

What does a 75 basis point cut mean?

1. They overdid it on the upside (17 consecutive rate hikes...)

2. The mess has become an apocalypse / abyss / catastrophy the last few days/weeks (banks)

3. They don't have any clue. Everyone with a basic 101 Econ knowledge knew that the mortgage mess was going to hurt the economy in a big way. The only people that were not aware of the problem... the FEDeral Reserve.

4. They don't care about the value of the dollar.

NOTE: They lowered the FED discount rate which is the rate banks can borrow money overnight from the FED. Mortgage rates are not lower now, they can even rise when short term rates drop.

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