Monday, September 15, 2008

Bush led us into the Stone Age

There is nowhere to hide anymore.

AIG the biggest insurer worldwide will go bankrupt in the coming days. Same goes for the US bank that holds the most deposits from "savers" Washington Mutual. Bank of America one of the biggest banks in the US will go bankrupt if they don't cancel the merger with Merril Lynch. They probably "had to" merge with Merril because the FED said so.
We'll see some run on the banks in the next few weeks.

It's pretty clear now why the FED tried to bid up the dollar. They needed a strong dollar to lower interest rates. So they will lower the 2% interest rate to 1% (or lower, auch)later this week. Which will speed up the dollars collapse. Foreigners will pull their money out of US assets and the dollar crashes even further. China and Japan will ask their money (dollars) back. So the FED prints more money... which makes the dollar drop even more... and so on and so on.
The U.S.S.A., the new Zimbabwe of the Modern world.

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