Friday, September 26, 2008

So, how much is 700 billion anyway?

You could buy 21 new Marlin’s stadiums for EACH COUNTY in Florida
You could buy braces for everyone in Great Britain…..and France!
You could buy all 32 NFL teams - 27 times
2 cups of Starbucks everyday for everyone in Brazil for a year
Gasoline for a year for every adult in America. (175 billion gallons of gas)
You could literally buy the world a Coke. One 2-liter bottle per week for a year.
You could buy a 60-inch HDTV for every man, woman and child in the U.S.
You could buy 7 Mac laptops for every school-age child in U.S.
You could buy every adult in Miami-Dade County an average priced house
You could buy everyone in America 2200 McDonalds apple pies.
Disney tickets: 18 (3-day) passes to Disney for the entire U.S. population

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