Friday, October 3, 2008

So what can the government do to stop this crisis?

1) Ban all stock sales. Only purchases are to be allowed from here on out

2) The government can buy every home in the country for what the last person paid, regardless of market value

3) Send everyone ANOTHER stimulus check of $15,000

4) Cancel income taxes for 2008 and 2009

5) Announce a default on the US debt held by foreigners

6) Ban gold ownership

7) Declare all opposition as enemy combatants

8) Nationalize Wal-Mart and cut prices another 50%

9) Mandate that all employers must raise wages 100% immediately

10) Declare the official language is now Swedish, and that underwear can only be worn on the outside

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Totally agree on you 10th point :)