Sunday, October 19, 2008

Who made Buffett write an article in the The New York Times that he is buying US stocks?

He is known as the Oracle of Omaha.

He is known as the best investor of our time.
He has a buy and hold approach.
He buys stocks on the cheap.
He moves markets and stocks with his comments.
He bought for 5 billion dollars of "perpetual preferred stock" in GOLDMAN SACHS (Secretary of Treasury, Paulson's former company...) that yields a 10% dividend.

He bought for 3 billion dollars of "perpetual preferred stock" in General Electric that yields a 10% dividend. General Electric can pay him that money back (+3 years worth of dividends)+ a 10% fine after 3 years.

So he is not really buying the pure stock, he is buying something similar to a bond with a call option.

IF he was buying stocks WHY would he let everyone know?

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